Compiling libcaca for Windows using Visual Studio 2012

As the authors describe it, “libcaca is a graphics library that outputs text instead of pixels, so that it can work on older video cards or text terminals“.

I’ve always been fascinated by console-based applications and the ingenuity that some programmers have demonstrated when trying to provide a usable and attractive UI through ASCII characters.

From file managers (such as Midnight Commander), MOD Trackers, graphing calculators, games to even video players. At “the time”, everything worked on a text-based console using simple ASCII characters and some very clever tricks.

Even I had to develop several console-based UIs in my days.

Unfortunately, I can’t find any those programs (nor their source code) but as soon as I do, I’ll post some screenshots here.

Those days are now over, but we can still get a nostalgia fix through a library known as “caca” (which happens to mean “shit” in Spanish).

VLC is among the few programs that still uses this library… just for the kicks of it. I guess because “they can” as there isn’t any useful need to use it. Or is it?

Scene from 2001 using libcaca as the video output in VLC

Scene from 2001 using libcaca as the video output in VLC

I just find it mesmerizing looking at a movie in text mode; it’s just mind-melting, if there is such a thing.

Well, let’s get to the point

A few days ago I found that Caca Labs had released a new version of the libcaca library which included a c# wrapper!
So I went ahead and downloaded it, just to find out that you need to compile libcaca from scratch.
The included project is for Visual Studio 2010, and I’m using 2012 so I knew right away that there would be problems and my knowledge of C/C++ has considerably worn off over the years.

Anyway, after a few tweaks and changes I was able to get Visual Studio to compile it!

Here’s the list of changes that I had to make to get it to compile

Note that I know almost nothing about C so I’m not sure why these were required or if they are even valid, but the thing is that it worked.

The project creates a ton of C2275 errors, which according to a post at StackOverflow, indicate that the code does not conform to the C89 specification, where all variables must be declared at the beginning of the function.

For example, this function:

int caca_set_figfont_width(caca_canvas_t *cv, int width)
    if (!cv->ff)
        return 0;

    caca_charfont_t *ff = cv->ff;

    ff->term_width = width;


    return 0;

Needs to be rewritten so that the


declaration appears at the beginning of the function. Here’s the refactored version:

int caca_set_figfont_width(caca_canvas_t *cv, int width)
    caca_charfont_t *ff = cv->ff;

    if (!ff) return 0;    

    ff->term_width = width;


    return 0;

The same thing needs to be done for all functions reporting the C2275 error.

The figfont.c file contains an enum defined inside a


  structure and the values of the enum are used across the file as if their scope were public and without any references to the structure itself. I just can’t imagine how this could work under any language.

Here’s the original version of the structure declaration:

struct caca_charfont
    int term_width;
    int x, y, w, h, lines;

    enum { H_DEFAULT, H_KERN, H_SMUSH, H_NONE, H_OVERLAP } hmode;
    int hsmushrule;
    uint32_t hardblank;
    int height, baseline, max_length;
    int old_layout;
    int print_direction, full_layout, codetag_count;
    int glyphs;
    caca_canvas_t *fontcv, *charcv;
    int *left, *right; /* Unused yet */
    uint32_t *lookup;

Moving the enum outside the structure and making it public, solved the problem:


struct caca_charfont
    int term_width;
    int x, y, w, h, lines;

    enum modes hmode;

    int hsmushrule;
    uint32_t hardblank;
    int height, baseline, max_length;
    int old_layout;
    int print_direction, full_layout, codetag_count;
    int glyphs;
    caca_canvas_t *fontcv, *charcv;
    int *left, *right; /* Unused yet */
    uint32_t *lookup;

At this point we are left we a bunch of IntelliSense errors, complaining about invalid casts, but this does not prevent the project from successfully compiling.

SharpCaca Demo

SharpCaca Demo

Here’s a link to download the “corrected” libcaca win32 Visual Studio 2012 project, which also includes the SharpCaca wrapper and the compiled libcaca.dll binary:

LibCaca for Windows Binary and Source Code (2116 downloads )