Subtitles Editor (Beta 1)

Here’s the first beta version of Subtitles Offset which includes many improvements and changes.
This version is considered to be feature complete so all future version (until 1.0 is released) will only include bug fixes, performance and UI improvements.

  • Changed the name of the program from Subtitles Offset to Subtitles Editor
  • The Captions Browser has been considerably improved as it now displays the audio wave form detected in the video
  • Added icons and controls to facilitate zooming into the Captions Browser
  • The Captions Editor has now been integrated into the main window
  • Added support to easily specify HTML tags to define the color and font of the captions
  • Fixed a very annoying bug that caused the Captions Browser to incorrectly calculate the correct time of the video
  • Added full spell-checking capabilities with support for multiple languages. Note that downloading new dictionaries is a bit buggy and you may need to refresh the dictionaries list several times before it’s properly populated
  • The program now includes an Installer
  • Many, many small bug fixes…

Here’s a screenshot of the latest version:

Subtitles Editor Beta 1

Subtitles Editor Beta 1

You can download this version from the following link:
Subtitles Editor (Beta 1) Installer (3454 downloads )

And here’s the source code for Visual Studio 2010:
Subtitles Editor (Beta 1) Source Code 0.9 (3650 downloads )