Tupper’s Self-Referential Formula

A couple of days ago I stumbled upon a rather old video post from Numberphile which talked about a formula that could plot itself, called the Tupper’s Self-Referential Formula: (more…)
A couple of days ago I stumbled upon a rather old video post from Numberphile which talked about a formula that could plot itself, called the Tupper’s Self-Referential Formula: (more…)
Wow, almost a full year since my last post. Anyway, here’s a little piece of code that (kind of) mimics the Blockade game, written in VB.NET. Not much to say or comment about it, but that it is not a finished product and it’s just the result of an extremely boring afternoon… enjoy! (more…)
Between the years 2009 and 2012 I worked on a project to create a fast and reliable music identification program (fingerprinting) for a potential client… from scratch! (more…)
Eventually, at some point in your coding career, you’ll need to calculate the factorial of a number. This, of course, with most modern programming languages shouldn’t be a problem… unless you need to calculate the factorial of any real number, even if it is a fractional number. (more…)
I remember once needing to code my own drawing functions for an HP48 and not having a clue how to draw line. My first implementation worked by determining the delta increment that should be applied to both x and y from the starting (x0, y0) point to the final location (x1, y1). Although this worked, […]
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